Lou DeLeo, an 8th
grade reading teacher,
was selected PA Middle
School Student Council
Advisor of the Year.
In addition, he has
been named a finalist
for the 2011 Warren E.
Shull Middle Level
Student Council
Advisor of the Year
Award sponsored by the
National Association
of Student Council (NASC)
and the National
Association of
Secondary School
Principals. Mr. DeLeo
joins the ranks of a
very prestigious group
of advisors who have
been honored since the
Shull Awards began in
1989. DeLeo is one of
six finalists from
which a national
winner will be
announced during NASC's
annual conference in
St. Louis, MO this
summer. The finalists
for the Warren E.
Shull Award are
skilled educators who
epitomize the
commitment student
council advisors make
to promote leadership,
service, and civic
engagement as
qualities of good
citizens through
student council. |